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Leopard Gecko Hatchling

22 13:59:55

Hi! Today when I was cleaning my baby leo's tank he accidently bumped his head ( very lightly )on his water bowl but it seemed that he was very surprised as he made a weird noise. I think it was a schreech or chirp. He seems to be normal after but I'm worried that this may cause some health issues as he seemed quite scared :(
Also what size of enclosure do baby leos need ? ( mine is about 3 inches from head to tail ) Do they also need moist/damp hides for shedding ? What temps do they need everyday ? Do their food need to to be dusted every meal ? Can they use undertank heaters? Can they be kepted on top of an UTH with one layer of paper towel or do they need more ?
And can bearded dragons eat yoghurt since it contains calcium ?
Thank you very much :)

Hello Jen,

A good size for a baby leo would be a 10 or 20 gallon tank.  They need an undertank heater on one side along with a basking light for a warm temperature of 88-90 or so.  The cooler end should be around 80 or so. Yes, they need an moist humid hide on top of the undertank heater to help with shedding.  
You can use a layer of paper towels, or felt is really good to use for them.  You can get that at a hobby or craft store.  
A baby leo should have dusted feeders 5 days per week.  Or you can just keep a dish of calcium in the tank & he should find it.  
Bearded dragons cannot digest dairy, so, if you feed them yogurt, make sure it is the NON dairy type of yogurt, no problem.
