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Bearded dragon has lump on back

22 11:54:07

My 2 year old bearded dragon has a small black lump on her back.  It looks like a possible bite, she eats cockroaches, locusts and morio worms but we normally take these out each night.  She's had it just over a week it's not bleeding or weeping.  I don't know if it can be left or if it will come off with next shed.  I can send you a picture if you need to have a look.  Any help greatly appreciated.  She's eating fine, basking, running around not lethargic or quiet.  

Many thanks, Georgina

Hi Georgina,
With lumps and bumps and discolored areas it is always recommended to have a vet see it first hand. There are so many things it can be.  Stuck shed, injury, burn, viral or bacterial infection..etc.  So you see, this is why a vet needs to see the area. Its good that she is acting normal.  Do check to see if she could have possibly burned it on a heat source.  In that case, generally some Silvadene ointment would be used. (Prescription) You can try some  antibiotic ointment on it until you get to a vet. If you notice a change in the size(larger) or anything changes with eating, etc then waste no time getting to a vet.