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Reed frogs/Blue anatol

22 14:40:26

I currently have one adult and two juvinial reed frogs and was wondering if it is possible to house a blue anole in the same terrarium. Currently the juveniles are very small and are house separately, should I be concerned that the adult may harm them?? Also having some trouble obtaining food for the babies, pin heads have been hard to come by as have fry flies do you have other suggestions?

Hello Cynthia,

Which type of reed frog do you have, do you know?  How large is the adult?  
Some other sources of food that the babies can take are possibly mini mealworms.  Other than that, most other feeders are too large.  Are you looking online to get your crickets & fruit flies?  Where are you getting them currently?  
For the moment, I would continue housing the babies/juvies separately from the adults.  They don't tend to be aggressive from what I have heard, but, they are carnivorous so it really is best not to take any chances.
As far as housing a blue anole with them, it is best never to mix species.  There are several reasons for this.  Each species has different bacteria & parasites, etc, so you really don't want any type of cross contamination.
A blue anole has different husbandry needs than the frogs do, as they need a warmer basking area & a good UVB source, whereas the frogs do not require hot basking sites but low UVB sources.  
If you need help with finding feeder sources, let me know.  I have a place I know of that sells fruit flys online.
