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baby corn snake wont eat

22 14:41:01

I recently purchased a baby corn snake at a local pet store it has been 2 weeks and he hasn't eaten yet i have tried thawed pinkeys and heated the pinkeys in water so they are warm. and he doesn't seeem at all interested in them even when i shake and wiggle them with tongs the tank he is between 80-85 degrees during the day and a little cooler at night with a humidity between 50-70 percent i have not tried  a live one yet because i was told not to get him in the habit of eating live for fear of when he is older a small rat could hurt him. Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated for this is my first snake and want him to be comfortable thanks.

Make sure you are feeding it the appropriate sized pinky most likely you'll need to feed him a newborn pink mouse and not just a normal pinky or fuzzy.  If you believe you are using the appropriate sized food item then try live even if it takes live now you can always try frozen again once the snake gets a little more settled in.  I've switched many snakes from live to frozen with little to no trouble.