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brown anole breeding

22 13:29:55

my 2 females have been breeding with the male like crazy i could use any info on offspring and if i need to seperate  

Hi Starr,

Baby brown anoles are very tiny and you will find it much easier to feed them and contain them if you separate. There is also the great potential for the adults to eat them if they are left in the adult enclosure!

You may not neccessarily find the eggs before they hatch so keep your eyes out for hatchlings in your adult enclosure over the next coming weeks. The eggs take around 5 or 6 weeks to hatch.

If you do find the eggs you might want to incubate them in the enclosure after moving them into a separate container. Find an area in your enclosure that is in the 80 - 85 F range. Keep the eggs in the same upright position that you find them and gently transfer them so that they are partially buried in damp moss or coconut mulch. A clear deli container with some small air holes will allow you to see the when the hatchlings appear. You may need to slightly remoisten the moss/mulch at some point.

You will need fruitflies or newly hatched crickets as a food source for the hatchlings. Some reptile shops sell cultures of flightless fruitflies which are preferable to work with. The hatchlings and their food are both tiny and they will need a fine gauge screen lid to remain contained. Their size makes them quite prone to dehydration as well so extra misting is recommended for hatchlings. Other then that, their care is essentially the same as for adults.