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Bahama Anole/Green Anole

22 14:41:00

QUESTION: I have two anoles, one is a bahama anole and the other is a green anole. I just bought them from the pet store yesterday. The green anole is believed to be a female and the bahama anole we are not sure if it is a male or female. So how do we tell if it is a male or female? Also my green anole is constantly getting on top of the bahama anole, does this mean anything? Thank you so much!

ANSWER:   The green anole female will retain a white dorsal stripe down its back.  A bahaman male will have a tan to orange dewlap that he will frill out, the females will have a smaller dewlap that will be a normal color thay they will not display.
 I never recommend two species sharing a habitat.  Please consider separating them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I figured it out after i asked. The green anole is a male because he flared his dewlap and it was redish when we were trying to get the cricket feeder out to put more crickets in it. And the Bahama anole is a female because she has no dewlap and we believe that she laid eggs in the sand we have in there. Does that mean that they are mating though? Because the green anole always gets on the female bahama anole, after the bahama anole bobs it's head up and down. What should we do if they are. Why do you suggest we seperate them?

 Two reasons for separation.  The first is the fact that they are different species.  It just is not good mixing them due to variations in requirements most cases.  The second reason is the more important.  Male lizards are horndogs plain and simple.  They will pester and bully females for mating, keeping them from proper basking and food, stressing them to the point that their gut parasite load rises and makes them sick, or slowly starve. This intimidation can be obvious or very subtle.  Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not happening.