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Young beardie sudden mood change

22 14:02:09

QUESTION: Sorry, you asked me a couple questions about Fluffy and the website said that I couldn't respond and had to ask a new question instead.

We do give Fluffy calcium powder. We dust the crickets in it and the crickets are gut loaded as well.

For substrate we use a brown reptile carpet.

ANSWER: Hello Andrea,

Good that you do give Fluffy calcium powder on the crickets.  She will need it 5 times per week since she is under the age of 1 year.
The carpet is fine for a young dragon as it doesn't have the dangers of impaction as sand does.
Sorry, which UVB light were you using, I just remember I had suggested the Reptisun 10.  You are using the Reptiglo 10 correct, or the ESU?  Fluffy does need a stronger UVB light.

How is she doing today?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We are currently using the ESU light, but that will be changing shortly now that I know it's not a good light.

Fluffy is still skittish but not as bad. Fluffy is kind of mad at us today though as Tuesday is bath day and she hates that. It also looks like Fluffy's tail and head are getting ready to shed again. They both look milky.

ANSWER: Hello Andrea,

Ok, I had thought it was the ESU.  Well, at least it is not a hazardous light, it just doesn't emit any UVB.  You can leave it in & just use it in combination with the Reptisun 10 tube bulb if you want to get a dual flourescent light fixture.  It will give extra brightness along with the basking.  That is up to you though, you don't have to.

Hm, sometimes shedding can make them a bit grouchy if it is bothering her.  Maybe try giving her a bath, that could help.  

Did she eat anything for you?  Poor Fluffy, I hope her mood improves!  :-))  Keep me posted on her.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Fluffy is in a slightly better mood today since he got his bath.
He has no problem eating. Doesn't really care for plant material yet but loves to hunt his crickets.
Do you think Fluffy may have MBD because of having the ESU light for 6 weeks? Also could we use the ESU fixture and just put a Reptisun 10 bulb in it?

Hello Andrea,

GREAT Fluffy is in a better mood today after his bath.
Well, he could have hypocalcemia yes because at young ages they grow so fast & utilize calcium quickly.  Since the ESU tube bulb does not emit much UVB he can't absorb his calcium very well.  That is why it is crucial to get a better one.  I do not think he has metabolic bone disease as that does take awhile to become full blown but it will get that way in time if not taken care of pretty quickly.
Yes you can use the ESU fixture for the Reptisun 10 tube bulb, it should fit.
Good he is eating though, so at least he has not slown down on that yet.  Keep me posted on him!
