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leopard gex

22 14:48:12

I have a male leo and whenever I get close he shakes his tail and runs away. He's never done that until recently. Nothings changed. There is also another male in a differnt cage but they cant see eachother and hes been there for a while too, way before he's be acting strange.

Hi Michelle,
Not really strange......all leos have some silly thing that they do and many times we never can figure out why. He may be trying to act tough...when he sees you but then  changes his mind.  He also may be associating you with hunting, as when you feed him he hunts his insects. When you feed him, do the crickets (or some of them) run to the place your leo is running to?  He may have learned thats where his food goes. It can also be that he sees you coming and is a bit scared...remember, through the glass on a tank, things looks way different plus the fact that people are generally up higher than  the tank, placing the leo below which can make them feel threatened.  Do you take your leo out and hold him, etc?  How old is he? They can go through strange behaviors at various stages of their life...sub adults, juvys and babies seem to have the craziest stages.  If all else is ok with him, eating, etc..then I wouldn't worry.  He will most likely get over it.  If you don't hold him much, you might want to try spending more time with him even if its to just let him climb around on your bed or be careful though, they are very fast!!!!
If both males are in the same room, they may not be able to see each other, but they can smell each other.