Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > I dont know if you can help but need to find something out.

I dont know if you can help but need to find something out.

22 14:52:11

Hi there,

Firstly i don't know if you can help, or even if the thing i'm trying to find is even a reptile!

I'm trying to find out what an animal i have seen is called. a friend of mine years ago had a very unusual pet and i really want to get one but i have no idea what it is! as i can't remember what it is called.

It was a small, lizard like creature that lived in water. It didn't have scales though or anything like normal lizards just the shape of one. It was a pale pink and almost transparent thing. I have tried to find out on the internet but have come up with nothing.

Can you help?


Hey, I know what your looking for and wish I could personaly find one maybe I will at the reptile show in my area this year, Below is a link to a site with the name and pictures:,%20Axolotl.htm

I've only ever seen one and it was a baby at a herp show most are normaly the white/pink color. If you find your realy intrested in buying one check around the web for reptile shows in your area.