Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Turtles!Need help!!!!

Turtles!Need help!!!!

22 14:24:32

QUESTION: My question is......I have a toad and a baby box turtle.I was wondering if I could put them together in one cage???Or would one of the reptiles eat one another.I dont want 1 to die so can I put them together??????thanks

ANSWER: Hi Melissa,

Short answer, no they can not be kept together.

They do not require the same care and can become stressed very easily and that can lead to death if not corrected.

It is not safe.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for getting back to me very soon.I thank you for the information.My turtle is drinking but I put a worm in his little tank and he's not even touching it.What else can I try to feed him??????????Thank you

Hello Melissa, so sorry for the late reply.

Box Turtles are herbiverous and do not eat meat, they eat vegetables and fruits. Read up on this site for more information on what kind of foods, what to feed often or as a treat, and other important dietary information:

Good luck