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Bearded Dragon food and poo

22 13:59:50

my sonin law has just bought a pair of 2yr old beardies, we have given them live food, I am doing the "salad" part! ow much should I give them at one go, I do mix the food broccoli and fruit, rocket and cabbage etc but am not sure how much I should chop for 2 beardies, also one of them has just passed a softish white poo, is there something wrong or is this okay? thanks for your help.

Hello Lucia,

I would limit the amount of cabbage & broccoli because they are high in oxalates & will hinder calcium absorption.

What sex are the dragons?  What sized tank are they in?    
Adult bearded dragons can eat a cup or so of greens & veggies if they are good about eating it.  Some will eat less but it just depends on how well they have been at eating it previously.
You can mix the greens, veggies & fruit all together if you would like to that is no problem.  Or you can give fruit separately.  They don't really need fruit but a couple of times a week because it is higher in sugar.  
The white portion of the stool is their urine or urates so it is quite normal.  Sometimes they will just "pee" with no stool, but most of the time, the will pass both.  That is a good sign if the urate or white portion was a soft stool though that indicates good hydration status.
