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reptile question...

22 14:38:26

i need your help... i have an albino gecko and she doesn't eat.... she is soooo tiny.... she does sometimes eat but then she spits it right back up.. i have tried everything... i feal so bad .. is she starving please if you could tell me ANYTHING that would be of help please do so.. im desperate

You are doing a good job. I can tell you really care about her. There are two things you should do as soon as possible to help her:
1. Hand feed her this slurry recipe
It should help her gain some strength back.
2. Take her to the vet.
Geckos don't refuse to eat for no reason. She may have parasites or a harmful disease. See if any local veterinarians will examine exotic animals.
If you need any more help, feel free to contact me again.