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Mali Uro

22 14:27:11

My Uro is less than a yr old i think about 8-9 inches in length, i've had him approx 4 months & he has warmed up pretty well, has good appetite most days, is gaining weight and quite active in the daytime.  he began his first true shed since i've had him about 4 days ago. started at the neck and has worked its way down the back and starting on the belly.  I am concerned b/c he has not had a BM in 3 days and he always was very regular before. diet and tank conditions have not changed.  and i am concerned about tail shed, as i have heard there are sometimes issues with complete tail shed.  any recommendations?


To help him shed you can use a small amount of mineral oil and a Q-tip to gently swab at the skin, it will help loosen it up and come off easier.

As far as his "BM" is he still eating regularly? Shedding can be stressful to reptiles especially if its a full body shed. And they can stop eating during this time, which would explain why he hasn't defecated. Is there any chance he is impacted? Perhaps accidently ingested some sand or other particulate substrate? Use a medicine dropper and give him just one drop of mineral oil in his mouth as well. If there is any impaction this will loosen up most anything that is stuck and would cause constipation. Even if their is no impaction it wont hurt him and can still relax his system and get him to defecate.

I hope that helps, Good luck