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Leucistic turtle?

22 13:35:55

This is Justin again. Besides the baby snapping turtle i have, i also have a larger snapping turtle. After doing research about hypomelanism, i found that turtles can also be leucistic. When i searched on google i found this link <>
and my snapping turtle looks exactly like the one pictured there? Could she be leucistic? Or just a color variation based on geographical location?

Hey Justin,  I checked out the photo and I would have to agree that it does look a lot like the others you sent me previously.  That being said it might be a Leucistic but again it maybe a color variation based on geographical parameters the only way to tell really would be to examine the population in the same area and see what they all look like.  But you may have gotten a weird one too as most "different" reptiles wouldn't survive long in the wild as they would easily be seen by predators and prey alike.

John F Taylor