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Green Anoles...What is going on?

22 14:46:01

I have two Green Anoles that I got three months ago. two weeks later and the two started to refuse to eat anything that I provided...even fruit. I am worried that they might be not drinking the water...nor the misting seem to help eiather. I used to have one more but he died...maybe from refuseing to eat or from dehidration. What is happennig to them...I dont whant them to die. Please help.

Hello Portia, what are you feeding them? Mealworms are a big no-no for small lizards especially Green Anoles. It can be fatal, The hard outer shell causes Impaction in the digestive system and it gives them a bad stomach ache. If mealworms are what you are feeding they will know to starve themselves rather then heat something that causes them pain. There have been many cases of this. Make sure water is always provided mist the cage regularly and provide a dish of water. They should drink if they are thirsty. I hope this helps let me know if you need clarification. Good luck with the little guys!