Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > HELP! My uromastyx has escaped! how can i attract him and find him?

HELP! My uromastyx has escaped! how can i attract him and find him?

22 14:46:09

Please! my new uromastyx escaped! i don't know how. there were no holes in the cage, and no obvious escape route! no blood anywhere, so he cannot have been eaten! i have looked everywhere! how can i attract him back to his home?

Hello Sander, if you have pets larger then him then put them outside or in a garage. That way you know they cant get to him. Did you have a screen on the top of his tank? Did you remove everything from the tank and look around a little in the substrate? Were you away from your house where somebody could steal him? They like heat, and they will all need water. He can smell water so he will be attracted to water. Check bathrooms and kitchens. In cupboards, under couches etc. Remember he might be able to fit into spaces smaller then himself so dont rule anything out. Heat up a brick liek a red brick place it in the oven and then place it in a quiet room on a pan or something and keep an eye on it. It will be too hot for him to get onto and it will burn him but if you are always watching it then you should probably be able to get to him before he touches the brick itself. Set out some heat, a dish of water, and just keep looking, dont give up. Make sure that there is absolutely no way to get outside. I hope you can find him soon.  Good luck!