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bearded dragon white spots on the head turned to yellow

22 14:44:40

hi my two dragons are 14 months old some time back i saw white spots on the
skin now it has turned yellow i dont know what to do am desperate please help

Hello Claudette, it sounds like it could be Yellow Fungus. I have some links with pictures and explanation so take a look and see if that looks like it could be it

Yellow fungus needs to be treated immediately by a vet. And ONLY a vet can diagnose it as yellow fungus or other. I am in no way giving a diagnoses or positive it is a fungus. I am not medically trained and you need a trained vet to know for sure what it is. Don't go off of information online.
Here is a link with vets by area all over the US Good luck and I hope its nothing serious, sorry I couldn't be of more help