Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > injuries


22 13:24:12

QUESTION: My Leopard Gecko is about 1 year old an his hand is all swollen and he limps. It is all red and puffy and he looks like he expresses his pain. I just noticed it when i was looking at him yesterday. Should I get him to a vet or something? Or is it just normal?

ANSWER: Hello Malynn,

No, the swelling & limping is not normal.  Do you have him housed alone or with another gecko?
Is there anything that he could have injured himself on in his tank?
Do you have any pictures of his hand for me to see?

Is he eating right now?  
I would consider taking him to the vet, to make sure there is not an infection going on in his hand.  
Do you leave any crickets in the tank overnight with him?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Tracie,

     I don't have him housed with another gecko. My mom said he probably tried to climb his favorite tall cactus and fell off.I don't have any pictures for you to see. He is eating crickets right now and I don't leave crickets in there overnight. My mom thinks we should just keep an eye on it because vet visits are expensive and I don't have much of my allowance. I've also noticed that the swelling is spreading. Is there anything we can wrap his arm in or give him medicine?

Hello Malynn,

Well, if he did fall & injure himself he could have sprained something that caused bruising then swelling.  
However, if he has an infection, it could be causing the swelling.  Yes, vet visits are expensive.  
I hesitate to medicate him if we aren't sure what to medicate him for.  If he has an infection I can recommend a medication to help take the infection out.  That is why I need a picture of some type, if possible.
If you feel it is an infection, let me know & I will direct you to purchase Baytril, which is an antibiotic.  You can buy it online, without a prescription.  It sounds like it could be an infection, but I am not sure what from.
In the meantime, just try to make sure he doesn't climb too much to hurt himself further.
What are the temperatures in the tank & do you use an undertank heater in combination with a basking bulb on one end of the tank?
