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Gravid Iguana

22 13:53:33

Hi Tracie,

I have two more questions about Ursula now that I know she is gravid.  

First: if she is completely ignoring the nesting box that I made for her will she still lay her eggs somewhere else?  

Second: it has been 4 weeks since her x-ray showed eggs developing in her abdomen.  My vet could not give me an idea of when she should lay them, but Ursula is getting very thin in the hips, sides, and tail.  She eats a little bit every other day (I give her calcium now) and is still restless and climbing all over her cage.  She's also become very friendly, climbing over to me when I open her cage and letting me pet her on the nose and tummy =).  It would be extremely helpful if I had a general estimate of when she should lay and when I should start to be concerned if she hasn't passed them yet.  

Thanks so much for all your help!

Hello Jess,

Yes, most likely she will lay her eggs at her leisure somewhere in her tank if she is not happy with her laybox.  Sometimes they get quite picky with their laying medium.
The vet didn't tell you whether or not she had dropped the eggs yet?  How low are they on her tummy?  Usually, the gestation period is 4-6 weeks, SO, she should be laying any day now!  
If she does not begin to lay within the next few weeks, I would begin to get concerned about that.  Since you don't know if she had adequate calcium before you got her, hopefully, she wont have any problems laying them & wont retain them.  
Are you giving extra calcium right now?
