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Lizard infection/eye problem?

22 13:32:27

I have a leopard gecko. One of his eyes(pupil) is smaller than the other. It is more narrow. It also seems that the eye is pushed in a little more. He is also not eating that much. Please help.

Hi Harrison,

Leopard geckos are visual hunters. If the sight in that eye is affected then that will  have an impact on his hunting ability and feeding response. Try some slow moving prey like waxworms or large mealworms placed in a small, smooth sided dish. If he will not take any insects at all then you can also dab a bit of chicken baby food on his snout to keep his nutrition up. Most leos respond by licking it off. I would also suggest soaking him in an inch or so of tepid water for a few minutes every day or other day. Animals that are not eating are often not drinking either and that will help avoid dehydration from setting in.
Eye problems are really something that should be seen by a vet. He/she will likely use a fluorescent eye drop that can determine whether there is damage to the cornea which will guide the treatment. Leos can develop eye infections from substrate or injury from cage furnishings. It sounds like the eye is not responding to light. You said it also appears smaller, or sunken in. I would wonder from that whether it may have been punctured somehow and has lost its internal fluid. Examine your enclosure for any possible sources of injury.
In the meantime it might help to flush the eye with saline (sold for contact lens users). Any product like saline, lubricating drops or antibiotic drops that are suitable for use in human eyes can be used on your leo.