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Sick Banana Tree Dragon

22 13:32:27

I have a two year old banana tree dragon that is sick. The problem is that I do not have any vet's around here that can help me - the nearest one is at least 3 hours away. She hasn't eaten in three days and when she decides to open her eyes they are sunken and watery. Last night I really thought she was dead because it looked like she was not breathing at all and when she sits she is holding her head up. When I tried to give her a Gatorade/water drink today I noticed her mouth and throat were lined with stringy mucous (she did take the drink though). I'm wondering if I can give her liquid Amoxicillin - I do have some here and I really don't want to lose her. From the research I have been doing I really believe it is a respiratory infection. I also saw something online called Reptaid but I don't know if it will make it to me in time....any help is really appreciated. Thank you so much!!

Christine - NY

OK well, I have some bad news it seems as though your lizard has an infection which can only be treated with antibiotics from a vet.  Usually respiratory infections are related to not having enough heat.  Other than increasing the heat immediately at the basking site I can only say that the liquid amoxicillin may work but was it developed for reptiles or humans?  The reason I am asking is that reptiles and humans are going to receive different dosages and strengths etc. To be honest I would say take the time to get her to the vet as this really is the only answer.