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jackie lizard

22 14:40:37

hello Pam my name is brodie i have a jackie lizard wich i got for a present i put it in with my friends Jackie wich is a boy and mine is a girl and a few weeks later it was fatter and i only feed it two Crickets daily and my mum said it was pregnate so i need to know what to check to tell and what to do and it looks like it is trying to push somthing big out and its not as active as it was and it is always going under its cave i don't want to lift it up because i dont want to disturb it and if there is eggs should i take my Jackie out because it might eat them is that true and whats the best thing you can feed the Jackie if its pregnate.

 A mama jackie needs all the food she wants now and after she lays eggs.  She needs a nice laybox to make a nest and bury her eggs, if she doesn't have a place to lay, she may become eggbound.  Since jackies are not in the US, we yanks know little about what kind of nesting jackies prefer.  Since they are agamids like beardies, I would suggest a similar laybox.  There is a website which will give you complete instructions on how to make one.  I would check that cave to see if she has started laying, and if there is only one or two eggs, she is holding back too much and needs the laybox now.