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my baby turtle

22 14:33:01

about a month ago i purchased a red eared baby slider from a bargain shop unaware that it was illegal and a black market business basically. hes very little and i spoil him. hes got top notch care i kid you not. hes got it way better than the  little tinsy tiny box with a few pebbles an extremely shallow water that i bought him with. hes so small. i got him a 5 gal tank. (its huge compared to him) and the tank is a little less than half way full of water. i got a filter, pebbles, plenty of plant. i use water conditioner, as well as turtle waste remover stuff, and this antibiotic turtle medicine thing that supposedly helps clear him of salmonella or any other diseases. hes got a lily pad dock and a basking light and i make sure his temps are perfect. i even went through THREE different kinds of pet food till i found the smallest kind that he could finally fit in his mouth. i really care about the little guy but hes a crack head! my question is: when will he take to me and calm down? i thought turtles were calm? he runs from my hand when i put it near the tank, he runs in the water off the lily pad when hes basking and he sees me coming, he runs away from me when i try to hold him. i dont know what to do to show him i care and believe me i do. should i get him a companion? i understand he must have had a terrible upbringing in captivity but i really want him to chill out and relax. what can i do? i began to sometimes feed him off my hand so he can associate a good thing with me but i just started that and i'm not sure if that will work. can you please give me some tips?? THANKS :]

The first thing I want to saw is that he needs to have land too.  I don't know if you have a rock or something to put in.  Young turtles are energetic and jumpy, so expect him to be the way he is for awhile.  As he gets older and bigger, he will learn and he won't care so much anymore.  It sounds like you are taking good care of him, just give him a land piece in the tank.