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gravid green iguana

22 14:26:19

I have a 2 1/2 to 3 yr old gravid iguana.When she was young and she got M.B.D. due to that her hips aren't right. She does use her rear legs.Her bone density is good now so x-rays say.Other than that she is plump & in good health. She is full of eggs and I have been able to see them for over a wk.2 on each side.She is still eating a tiny bit every day& drinking alot.I am very worried she will have problems having eggs. When do I panic? How will I know she's in distress or that she needs help. She hasn't started digging.I made her an egg box and she has went in it several times then comes out and basks. I need details please.

Hi Kathie

Has she been with a male or is she carrying infertile eggs?

Egg binding can occur more frequently with unmated females-not that we need any more green iguanas in the world-than mated ones

I would like to direct you to an excellent Iggy website which can answer your questions much better than I could ever attempt to

I hope that this helps answer your questions and if I can try and be of any other help please write back

Good Luck with her

Sandy aka LadyGecko