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black and white tegu

22 11:50:30

I got a 6 month old black and white tegu and now it seems to be pregnant. I'm not sure at what age it is able to get pregnant. When we first got it it ate every other day or so. now it wont eat but every 3-4 days. It's stomach in the back is getting puffy and kinda firm. It was supposed to be a boy so i'm not sure how to tell and we do not have exotic pet vets where we are at. how do I tell what's going on? It is now 8 months old and the behavior has changed to wanting to be left alone from liking to be held and on my sholder when I walk around.

Casey, where abouts are you in the US. The Tegu is definitely one of two things either older than you were told or has something else wrong as Tegus cannot get pregnant that young they are not sexually mature. I would like to help you find a veterinarian close by as this is the best bet to identify what is actually wrong.