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Leopard Gecko Mouth Rot!

22 11:50:30

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,
Okay, after reading the subject, you'll probably recommend a vet visit. This has been done. The vet recommended I use hydrogen peroxide or betadine to clean the mouth area for a few days. However, I kind of forgot to ask how! The vet is out of office for a few days, and I can't contact her until Wednesday! Do you know of a way to do this?

ANSWER: Hello Michael,

I do not recommend using hydrogen peroxide.  Use the diluted betadine instead.  You can just use a swab & dip the swab into the betadine then swab out the mouth a couple of times per day.

Are you keeping the tank around 80 so on the cool end & a warmer area or 88-90 with using an undertank heater?
Do you know what caused this?

He wont like getting his mouth cleaned out & you will have to use a swab to get his mouth open to clean it out.

Good luck & let me know how that goes!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Tracie! Is there a proper ratio to dilute the betadine? I have no idea what caused this. It couldn't have been fighting because she's kept alone. It may be because of a dirty tank? But I highly doubt it because the tank is rather clean. But when she hunts, she has a hard time actually hitting the prey on the first try, and would hit the floor or whatever's behind the prey, like the driftwood or terrarium glass. Maybe that could've caused it. But I think the most likely cause is that she already had it when I bought her but it just slowly worsened over time.

Hello Michael,

Well, sometimes a cricket or worm bites them or pokes them in the mouth & it can cause a little sore which spreads into an infection, locally.  It is somewhat common.  It takes awhile for you to notice any localized infection since things tend to happen slowly in reptiles while we don't notice them getting worse.  
How often do you give calcium for her?  
Just use 3-4 parts betadine to water until it resembles a weak tea solution then you can dip the swab into it & clean the mouth out.  It is safe if a little is ingested, too.

Let me know how she is doing!
