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female beardie swollen beard

22 13:28:37

Hi Tracie,
I have an 18 month old female beardie,that will eat just about anything. My son and I dig up grubs in the yard for a treat for her to eat. We noticed that a few days after she had eaten some real big ones,she had like a fluid filled pocket in her beard that looks like a deflated water balloon but is now a little more firm only on one side.....we think one of the grubs bit her on the inside of her mouth.....she still eats and it don`t seem to bother her....we looked inside her mouth and you can see a little irritated spot but no pus or drainage....What do you think we should do? Let nature take its course and see how she does for a few days or take her to see an exotic vet....which we really don`t have the money for...please help! we love her dearly.


Hello Taunia,

Oh boy, that is too bad.  Things like that can happen though, unfortunately,
Do you have any pictures of her?  
What is she ea ting right now, greens, veggies & any feeders?

It is possible that it will clear up on its own but I wouldn't let it remain swollen for too long.
I don't know if it is infected or not, it is most likely just irritated & swollen because of that.  

As long as she doesn't appear to be in pain, hopefully it will heal up on its own soon.

Let me know how things are going.
