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russian tortoise strange behavior

22 13:28:37

we have had a Russian tortoise for a couple months now, we were told she is about 8-10 years old. the last couple weeks she has been very inactive, sitting in her water all day long. Its almost like she is sleeping in there. She also seems to be eating less than she used to. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but shortly before she started being so inactive she had been very active, pacing back and forth around her tank. Is she sick? or is it just the normal time she would be hibernating? I'm also not sure if her diet is what it should be.

Ensure that temperatures at tortoise level are proper, and that you have a good UVB light.  Keep the day/night cycle at 12 hours day, 12 hours dark.

Here's a good site on Russian tortoise diet (which is a bit complicated):

A reduction in activity is always a cause for concern, but at the same time, her earlier pacing may have been due to her not yet being used to her new environment.

Soaking in her water so often suggests she feels dehydrated.  Perhaps you need to raise the humidity?

I would recommend you take her to an experienced reptile veterinarian for a checkup.  Take a fresh fecal sample along, and have him do a float for parasites as well.  She could be ill, based on her inactivity and poor appetite.

I don't recommend brumating her the first year you have her--keep her light cycle correct, and she shouldn't want to brumate.  There are many cues that tell a tortoise it's time to prepare for winter--light cycle and temperatures are the main ones.  Only brumate a completely healthy tortoise that has plenty of extra weight.