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my cwd spaz

22 14:26:45

I have a water dragon about 11 months to a year old and he just started doing this thing were he opens his mouth for a little while .... he still runs around he can climb just fine and his skin looks fine he just will sit around with his mouth open for like 25 to 35 seconds ... he does this all day .. any advice ?

Hi Dustin, it sounds like the early symptoms of RI (respiratory infection) If caught early enough it can be taken care of easily. However if it is let go for too long special vet treatment is needed and it can be deadly.

Here is a link on RI in reptiles in general. What it's caused by and what the symptoms are (Along with what steps to take next).

If this is the only symptom and your temperatures and humidity, cage size, etc. are all perfect then it could just be that he is trying to "warn off" a "predator"

He may see a cat, dog, TV, person, or another reptile(s) in his view and is doing this as a threatening "STAY BACK I BITE" type of behavior. Which is perfectly normal.
But watch for other symptoms of RI as well just in case, because like I said if its not caught early enough it can turn ugly fast.

Here is a helpful link on water dragons, its a forum filled with helpful and friendly members who own or have owned, or are going to own water dragons. Always helpful advice and a quick response.
(there is also a photo contest if you would like to join)

Good luck