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Trying to save a Texas Spiny Lizard!!

22 13:52:40


I rescued a Texas Spiny Lizard from a cat yesterday.  He was throwing the lizard in the air and "playing" with it.  When I brought him inside I though he was dead, but as I watched him I noticed that he was still breathing.  I put him in a container with grass and put a light on him to keep him warm.  He has gotten more responsive in the past 24 hours, but he is still not moving.  He will open his eyes and move his head very minimally, and has actually moved his body twice.  I went to the pet store and got live "super worms", and crickets. He hasn't eaten the super worm that I put in his cage.  I am a student and honestly don't have the money to take him to the vet, but I would really like to help him rehab so I can re-release him.  It is a male because he has the florescent markings on his belly, and he is about 6 or 7 inches long.  I bought a heat light today at the pet store too and am now using it.  He is a beauty and I would love to save him, but I just want to make sure that I am helping him and not impeding his recovery.  Is there anything I can do differently? I will do anything in my power to help the lil guy out. :)

Thank you!


Hi Natalie,
He may have internal injuries or he just may be super stressed. The sad thing is that many times when we try to help an injured reptile from the wild, they die from stress, starvation or their injuries.
I would keep him in a very secluded area and do as little to him as possible.  
Do place the insects in as you have, but also add a piece of cut potato in the tank so that the insects will nibble on the potato instead of the lizard.
The reason I say to do as little as possible is to not cause more stress on him.
You can a place paper towel tube in the tank for him to hide in.  I would remove the grass and just use paper towels or newspaper on the bottom. Also inverted plastic containers((dark ones) with a hole cut in one side makes a quick hide for them.  Small plastic coffee containers also work.  Just cut a hole in the lid that is large enough for him to get into. Place a small dish of water in the tank but also mist him daily.(spray bottle)
Only provide the heat on one end of the may want to place a flat rock in that area so that the light warms the rock also.  They are basking lizards and do need to be warmed up(in the wild thats the suns job) for proper digestion.
Putting fake plants in the tank with him will help him feel more secure. He does need to have access to a warm(basking) area and a cooler area.
They do need uvb lighting but, for the short time you will have him (hopefully able to release) he will be fine without it.  is a link to wildlife rehabbers if you feel that is needed. I wish you the best with him and truly do hope he survives and can be released.