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outside lizard hatcing

22 11:49:42

Hello, a few weeks ago I found a lizard egg in my garage. I put it in a coffee cup that I had in the garage and left it there. I showed it to the kids a couple of weeks ago. Didn't think it was going to hatch. This morning my 6 year old cracked it and behold there is a baby lizard who is alive. Not sure what to do now. I left it with its egg shell in case it eats that for now, but I somehow feel responsible for it and don't want it as a pet but want to be able to make sure it can have a chance to live. Its moving around, especially with the excited voices from the kids. Any further suggestions?  I would like to release it but want to give it a fighting chance.
Thank you for any help!

If the egg was broken by the child, and not by the lizard, you should keep it in a fairly warm place (85F, but no higher, and no cooler than 80F), and put it in a little storage container with a damp paper towel to keep the humidity high.  If the lizard is already out of the egg, then just put it in those same conditions, and leave it alone for at least 24 hours.  If it's mature enough to make it, it will still be alive and well the next day, and you can release it outside of your garage after the day warms up.  The most important things are reducing stress (no peeking), warmth, and humidity to prevent dehydration.  Lizards usually rest in the egg for up to a day after cracking it, in order to finish absorbing the yolk.  If the lizard had the opportunity to do this, it has a much better chance of survival.  If it hatched prematurely, and didn't absorb yolk, it may not be strong enough to survive.

If you had a clear photo, and geographic location, I might be able to identify the species for you.