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hova bator

22 14:34:41

Hi Mick, i recently purchased a hova bator and my room temperature is about 60 degrees. However, when i try to increase the temperature in the hova bator, the temperature reamins the same. Is there something i am doing wrong. I read the instructions and I am pretty sure i assembled everything correctly. Can you please give me any advice? Thanks

Yes, did you really read the instructions?? Repeat the room temp back to yourself that you gave me. Say it to yourself. "60 degrees". Now read the instructions again and see if there might be reference there to ambient room temps or drafty rooms. In the very first paragraph, printed in bold type, and titled "Location"?   

It says right in the instructions the very first thing. 60F or below will reduce the ambient temp in the incubator. It needs to be above 70F, not drafty or subject to room temp fluctuation. It says so in both the thermal and the circulated air Hova-Bator manuals.  

If moving to a warmer room doesn't help, then double check to make sure you read the instructions COMPLETELY and assembled everything correctly. If that doesn't fix it, you may have a faulty element or thermostat...but I'm kinda doubting it.

I only have time to take one reptile related question per day, so please make sure you really have read your instructions before asking a question you could have found yourself on the first page of your manual. It's inconsiderate to others who may need a serious health related question answered.