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Green Anoles Mating

22 13:28:38

I have four green anoles. Two are adults and two are babies. I keep the adults in a separate terrarium. They are in a Exo terra pt2614 which is 36x18x24 (the biggest one). I use a Zoomed reptisun 5.0 linear bulb and two basking spots as well as red bulbs to help with temperature. I use a reptile carpet on the bottom and I feed them phoenix worms and peach baby food as a treat. I recently got this terrarium for them and I was trying to figure out the temperature for them. They stopped mating mid august right before I put them in the new terrarium. While trying the temperatures got almost to 90F and they started mating again. So I lowered the temp to 75-85. They are still mating and my female has layed 2 eggs. I lowered the temp to 70-80F and they are still mating. I don't want them to be cold, but I also don't want them to still be mating and I really don't want my female, who suffers from metabolic bone disease, to be laying eggs still. My last option is to put up a barrier, but I wanted to ask you if there were any other options.

Hello Jessica,

Great that you keep the adults & babies separate.  
Hm, that is very odd that they continue to mate.  It is most likely because she is still ovulating since she is in the presence of a male.  Once they begin ovulating a lot of times, they continue to ovulate for awhile.  
There are not any other options at this point, other than separating them.  Maybe once she stops laying eggs, & is not fertile, the male wont be as interested & you can put them back together.
Be sure to give her extra calcium since she is laying eggs & will most likely be gravid off & on for awhile now.  
