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leopard gecko over exposed to heat

22 14:10:53

I went away for a day and asked my mom to look after my 4 leopard geckos. They are housed together in a big enclosure. I'm constantly checking that their temperature is right but when i got back the temperature was well over 50 degrees Celsius. I cooled them down but im still worried. Could this cause skin damage to my geckos as they are very light skinned ?

Hello Kezia,

Wow they did get overheated didn't they?  Are they moving around much?  Are they still alive?  Geez, how on earth did it get to 122F?  
You will need to get them rehydrated immediately with water & pedialyte.  
Is the tank beside a window to where the sunlight comes in?  
I don't think it would cause skin damage but, they are probably off color & pale due to being overheated.  They most likely have heat injury like a heat stroke which makes a person's or animal's skin pale.
I would keep the tank cooler for a few days to see how they are going to fare.  Please keep me posted on them.
