Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > stumped on identifacation of a lizaerd i found

stumped on identifacation of a lizaerd i found

22 13:29:47

my wife found a small lizard in her flower shop but i can't
find a picture of it anywhere!.it's really small but it has
black triangular marks down it's back.i need to know what to
feed it.


Most lizards will eat appropriate sized crickets which range from pinhead size for Dart Frogs to Large which are 3/4 to 1 inch.  Without further information on what the lizard looks like I can't really identify it accurately if you can get a picture of it I could probably tell you exactly what it is as I have field guides from all over the world.  Also you will have to provide it a source of UV lighting as it is no doubt a diurnal basking type of lizard.