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my snake isnt eatting

22 13:55:41

hi i just brought a 5 foot rainbow boa off a guy and this snake wont eat it just hides all day. she is in a 70 gallon tank the humility is 560-60% and the cold side is usely between 74 and 77 and the warm side is between 83 and 86 normal i talked to the guy and he said is dose it in the winter months but have talked to a vat and the pet store and they said she should be eating i don't no what to do even tired giving her smaller rats please help thanks


    Snakes can go for months without eating, if you just got the snake and it looks firm and solid, don't worry about it.  Give the snake time to get use to its new home.  Don't handle it constantly, let it hide in its hide box for as long as it wants.  Every week or so offer it a frozen / thawed small rat, sooner or later, it will eat.  Do not keep a live rat inside the tank with the snake, a bite from a scared rat could cost your snake big time.

    Stress will kill a snake as fast as a bullet, give it time and let it feel you out on its own terms.  limited handling, offer prekilled food once a week, the right temperatures and a hide box are all it needs for now.  If it does not eat in the next four or five weeks, write back, there are several tricks to get the snake to eat but only as a last resort.
