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Snake ID please?

22 13:27:39


Hi Donna,

This snake was found in a pool in Central (Richmond) Virginia in August 2010.  I've tried identifying it but can't seem to find anything that looks exactly like it.

Another photo is here:


Well, I can definitely tell you that it's a colubrid (it's harmless).  The head markings look familiar.
Ok, I'm 95% certain that is a Northern Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi).  It's anerythristic (a color mutation that removes yellow pigment), so it appears more grey and black than brown and black.  There is a lot of variation in the amount of patterning on this species, so it isn't suprising you didn't recognize it from a few photos.

I found a photo of another anery brown snake, here:
The way the black bars cross over the back stripe (as they do on yours) is normal for some populations of this snake.

These snakes get to only 20 inches in length, they're a very small species.  They feed on worms, slugs, snails, and other small invertebrates, and occasionally tiny amphibians.  They're actually very common, but due to their small size and secretive habits, they're rarely spotted.