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anole gestation

22 13:36:03

hi i have 2 bahama anole's one male one female i cought them matting and see has laid an egg i am wondering how long it will take for it to hatch and what temperature i shoul incubate it at

If you have an incubator set up it should be at 82-85 degrees F.  If not I would place it without turning it or otherwise moving it into a shallow tupperware like container with some damp sand or vermiculite if you can find that and set it atop a warm place thats about that temperature that I recommended.  Generally speaking the it will hatch in just over a month or so about 6 weeks or so.  Once the egg is being incubated don't move it but make sure to keep the incubation material damp bu not soaking wet as this will invite fungus to grow.

John F Taylor