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sick leo

22 13:36:03

How can you tell if some thing is wrong with your gecko? I have two and the female hatched two eggs about 30 days ago and since then has not had to much movement and really hasn't ate what should I do??

Hi Tammie,

Egg laying can be very taxing on the body of female reptiles. It takes protein and a lot of calcium to produce eggs and can push females into a calcium deficient state. Leos produce a few clutches per season so the demand for extra calcium is great.
If she is not eating well she may not be drinking either. Give her a brief soak in a bit of tepid water to ensure hydration. I like to offer calcium dusted waxworms to females that have recently produced eggs. Waxworms are higher in fat to replace the lost energy stores and hold supplements well to ensure calcium intake. They tend to be a favourite and will often be taken when other insects are refused.
If she is refusing food completely then alternately, you can dab a bit of chicken baby food with supplements on her snout, most leos will respond by licking it off.
If the lack of appetite and lethargy continue then a vet visit is really your best option.