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beardie feeding question

22 14:29:15

any advice on increasing the amount food as my bearded dragon gets older? it seems like he's going through a growth spurt and out of curiosity, i weighed him last week at 14 grams and one week later at 18 grams. (normal?) any advice would be appreciated - first time dragon owner!

If he's a baby he's doing great!  A baby can't over feed.  As Dr. Kathryn Tosney says, everything a baby beardie eats becomes more beardie.  A baby should have a good calcium rich salad every day, all day.  Good greens like collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens and turnip tops minced fine and soaked in water.  His cricket meals should be all he can eat in ten minutes twice a day until he is six months old, then salad with grated or thin strips of winter squash, sweet potato, green beans for example, and one cricket or other insect meal until he is 18 months old, then salad every day and insects a few times a week as an adult.