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my bearded dragons belly is hard

22 14:34:04

Hi, I have a female Bearded dragon, who is housed with a male, both are about 2 years old. Well my Question is about a week ago she was showing signs of being Gravid(ie: wanting out, restlessness, large belly forming, but I cant see nor feel any lumbs) and now I have noticed her beely being much harder. If i messege it, it seems to not be one hard lump, but when first touched it is. I am hopping she is gravid, and not somthing worse. also I noticed for the first time after she eat some collard greens her back right leg shaked a little bit(kinda the twich) it could be a sign she is using her calcium to make eggs? I have but not been feeding her calcium for BD's iwth the D3, I am not giving her it with almost everymeal. sorry this is so wordy but want her to be ok so please awnser this as soon as you can thank you.

If her stomache is just hard and her legs are twitchign she's either got an  impaction or she's egg bound you can soak her in warm water for 30-40 mins if its an impaction and she will hopefully just poop if she has not been regularly.  Otherwise you'll need to take her to a vet.