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albino cornsnake

22 14:46:24

i received an albino cornsnake that is 31 inches with a ten gallion tank. what should i use for substrate, decor and lighting? what size tank should i keep himn in?

An adult corn will need at least a 20 gallon long tank.  Use aspen bedding for the substrate.  They do not need a light an additional light source.  An under tank heater (UTH) works best.  Get the smallest one possible as the snake needs to be able to get away from it if he wants.  Get two identical hides (if they aren't identical, they will pick one over the other).  One on the cool side of the tank and one on the warm side, over the UTH.  Put a very small water bowl on the cool side as well.  

Never feed your snake in his enclosure.  Put him in a rubbermaid container with papertowels as the substrate.  This will help him to not associate your hand coming into his tank as feeding time.  Always put his prey item in first and then place him in the tub with it.  Give him about an hour to eat.  Always supervise the interaction if you are feeding live prey.  If you feed frozen/thawed, you can refreeze the mouse once.  The mouse should be no bigger than two times the largest part of his body.  He can go several weeks without eating, so just give him time to settle in.  If you start to notice that he is losing weight, then you should be concerned.