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Bearded Dragon Alexis

22 11:53:24

Hi there, Alexis my female bearded dragon is approximately 7 years old now all was well until about a month ago. she completely lost her appetite she won't eat anything i've tried superworms, crickets, pinkies, veggies, salads, fruits etc she won't have any of that. she really doesn't look sick she is really losing weight rapidly and i'm stressed out of my mind about it. her cage is set up accordingly i make sure that she gets enough sunlight, sleep and that her cage is always clean. She's not very active anymore and barely moves around. I live in a real small town so there is no reptile vet close by but i phoned one and he suggested that i feed her Purified baby food with a dose of calcium powder which i have been doing she is getting better but really slowly she only consumes a few superworms a week by herself now and i still feed her the baby food but i'm really worried about the weight loss. If you have any suggestions i would really appreciate it.

Thank You in Advance

Hi Charmaine,
I'm sorry your beardie is doing poorly.   When you give her sunshine, is it pure, unfiltered sunshine>  Not through glass, fine screen, etc?  Glass and fine mesh block out all uvb so that your beardie wouldn't receive any of the needed uvb to prevent metabolic bone disease.  Something tells me that your BD is getting proper sun, considering her age and that you've not had any problems thus far.
You  do need to be very careful with supplementing the calcium as too much is as bad if not worse than not enough.
Instead of babyfood, I would puree fresh greens that you have available there. (collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, arugula are the best greens). You can also puree vegetables.  If you are able, I would try to order some CRITICAL CARE made by OXBOW company.  A vet may be able to order it in for you if you are unable to.  I use but I don't know if they would be able to ship to you.
I would also try using a gut bacteria booster such as acidophilus. They need to have gut bacteria to properly digest their foods.
I would also have a fecal check done to see if she has some internal parasites.  Also... beardies do lay eggs even when not with a male..they will slow on eating as the eggs grow..her stomach would get bigger and the rest of her may loose weight.
There was a time not long ago that a beardies life span was only 6-8 years. With the improvement in diets(going to almost all greens/veggies as adults) their life span has improved but it is something that you may have to consider taking in her age.