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Help getting lizzard back

22 14:27:15

My son was watching by neighbors lizard while they were on vacation.  He had it out of the tank and outside when it got away from him and ran under their deck, which a person can not fit under.  Any suggestions on how to get him to come out?  The good news is he can only get out in one place.  Is there a smell or something we can put in there to make him want to come out?  Or something we can put outside to make him want to come out to get?

Thanks for your advice in advance.

Hi John
This is a really tough one

It would be sheer luck to have him come out and be able to capture him

You could try and put an aquarium on it's side with it's favorite food inside it but if this is an insectivore-thee are so many bugs outside-especially under things that I am not sure if that would work

I am very sorry but you have me stumped on this one

I hope that some how you do get him to come out and capture him

Sandy aka LadyGecko