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sleeping water dragon

22 14:42:40

I have a juvenille water dragon. We think that he/she is about a year old. He is in a 55 gallon tank and his temps is right were it should be. The last few days he has been really lethargic and he sleeps most of the time. He is still eating and pooping. He just got done shedding his skin but he has not acted this way before when he is shedding. I took him out of his cage today to make sure that he didnt have a sores or bumps and everything looked fine, althiugh he did lick his lips a few times and I havnt seen him do that unless there is a worm in front of him. Also I do give him vitamins and his primamry diet is crickets and a little bit of meal worms. If you could please help me figure out why my dragon is sleeping so much that would be greatly appriciated. Thanks

Hello Alanna, Water Dragons as well as many other reptiles go through a period during the cold months called Brumation. They will not sleep constantly like Hibernation but they will sleep during day and night waking up only to eat defecate drink and bask (They need the heat from basking to digest food) If this sounds like what he has then its perfectly normal nothing to worry about and nothing you can really do about it. It last a good 3 months. If he stops eating then take him to the vet immediately. I suggest getting a larger tank soon because they do grow mighty fast. But it sounds like nothing serious. If you want you can do some research on Brumation Or I can give you more information on it. Let me know, and Good luck
