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Bearded Dragon info

22 14:47:27

Hello I was wondering what the growth rate of Bearded dragons is I am aquring a 6 to 6 1/2 inch baby female today from a repitable breeder I was wondering how much she is going to be expected to grow per week/every two weeks/monthly?   

Her setup includes a 10.0 UVB
Her hot spot/basking area is 35/40 C. for 95/100 F

Her cool area is normal room temp early 80's mid 70's

She will be eatting; Crickets/Silkworms/Wax worms Phenix worms/butter worms and later when shes much bigger superworms also vegetables and pellets and I have pure calcium powder, calcium with d3, And multi vitamins to sprinkle her foods with as well Her bedding is reptile carpet and she is going into a ten gallon tank with a wire lid right now upgraded to a 40 gallon breeder tank in a month or two for sure...I have an adult male dragon he was grown when I got him so I'm not sure how fast babies grow....does everything i have going for the baby sound ok thou? and is it ok to handle a  baby beardie or are they very easy to stress out? Thanks a Million

Well everything sounds good and it seems like you know what you are doing. Very good. You don't want to handle him/her for a month or so after moving into a new enclosure they need time to adjust but make it clear that you wont hurt her/him. She was born captive so that is good and maybe will only need a week or two before she is comfortable. I have not owned any Bearded Dragons but I know a site that has some growth charts of their dragons. With dates and sizes and ages. So check out this link copy and paste it in your browser. Explore the site it has the best Beardie info I have found. Good luck