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my red eared slider turtle

22 14:10:44

i don't no if you can help me but i was wondering if you could tell me or show me whether my turtle is male or female, but another question is... ok i have had my turtle for a little over 4 years and i am thinking about getting another and i want to get the opposite sex. ok my question is i 've looked every where and nothing is helping I've had it for 4 years ok and it is only 3 inches big i've kept it in a small tank because i had no clue i had to have a big 1 also i've been feeding it goldfish food and websites are telling me it is supposed to eat fruit, veggies and greens well its not working, i just want it to be heathy and have some little turtles one day!!!! love Jessica

Hello Jessica,

I cannot determine the sex if it is that small especially without a picture.  Males are usually smaller than females though, & have larger claws & longer tails, too.
However, after 4 years, if it is only 3 inches it is malnourished.  
Do you provide UVB lighting & a basking light for it?
They need calcium on a regular basis along with UVB exposure or their bones will become soft & can get softshell.  
They do need veggies, greens & fortified turtle food.  Fish food is not adequate nutrition for turtles.  Keep in mind that commercialized pellets should only make up a small portion of their diet.  The large majority of the diet should be comprised of veggies & greens with fruit a couple of times per week.
Right now, your turtle is too small to consider breeding, no matter what sex your turtle is.  
