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Frog and Salamander Court Ship

22 15:01:27

Hi there I just finished watching a documentry on TV about Frogs

and near one of the parts talking about Courtship, they mention taht their courship patterns is quite similar to Salamander

I'm wondering if you could please help me elaborate on that

I understand that frogs use their voices and expand their the chin area as sexual cues

what does the Salamander do as well that is so similar

hope u can help



All salamanders do a calling that is more sililar to the frog calls. But male salamanders also have the brightest colors that attracts the femal to notice them. Usually they can make a sqeezeing sound that can be haerd miles away for all females to hear. Which that give the female to realize that the males are looking for a mate.
So, I hope this help a little bit on your question.
Thanks! for contacting me.

Rattlesnake Museum Of
Albuquerque, NM