Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > did i feed my gecko too much

did i feed my gecko too much

22 11:51:18

QUESTION: Hi tracie. Now i usually only feed my baby gecko vinnie (think its 4 months old) 8-10 small crickets every night. well someone told me its tail was too skinny so i thought i should feed it more. well i fed it earlier and it just ate

6 small crickets
15 small dubia roaches
12 medium dubia roaches

did i feed it too much? i know many people say you should feed a baby gecko about 4-10 small crickets

ANSWER: Hello Sarah,

Yes, that looks like a little too much to eat.  
I definitely would not feed for a week or so to make sure she can pass it all.
How is she acting?  
Do you have pictures of her?  Does her tummy look bloated?  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she is her usual self. she did go to the toilet as normal last night. havent looked at her stomach yet as she is asleep atm.

this is a photo of her from last night.

now i dont know if this has anything to do with her eating loads but this morning she had her head sticking out of her hide and i noticed the spots that are under her eyes were really dark.

Hello Sarah,

How is she doing today?
She looks alert, was this just taken recently then?  
Has she gone to the bathroom yet also?
I hope she is doing well.  You can maybe try to give extra oral fluids to help her since she had so much protein!

Let me know how she is doing.