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whites tree frog, med dosages

22 14:43:46

I had a sick frog, I think he had edema, I am not sure, and have never had this problem before. I had him for 4 years in the same tank with his bigger and older brother. I am worried that my other frog is going to get ill. I noticed my dead frog about Thursday, just sitting in the dirt next to the small lagoon I have in the tank, there is one larger one also. He was not dead then, I scooped him up to look at him and gave him a warm water bath. At that time I did not think he looked bloated, they had just eaten on Sun-Tuesday. I cleaned the water in the small lagoon and placed him on the side, near the water, but not in it. I had to go to work. I got home and he was again, sitting in the dirt, but instead of being dark green/brown, he was bright green and happier looking. About an hour later, after I cleaned the other lagoon, he jumped into the small lagoon and looked to be having a seizure. Legs straight out behind him and twitching . He died in my hand about an hour after that, with a belly that now looked bloated. Could you tell me what you think may have happened? Also, I have access to metronadizole 250mg, could you give me a dosage that would be appropriate for the frogs? Thank you so much in advance, Jennifer

Hello Jennifer, first of all I apologize for your losses. The frogs that passed did you try giving them this medication? Do you mind if I ask where you got the medication? I am not experienced (as stated) with medical problems or any vet help. I have not heard of Metronadizole and would not know the dosage. Another thing I don't have much experience with is frogs. So I can try to do some research and see what I can gather but the best thing you can do is take your frogs out. Clean out enclosures and reset it up and try to make it really clean and maybe even take the frogs to a vet. So they can take care of anything that they might have gotten frmo the others.

Is this the medication your are talking about?

But what I gather it is used for fish and would not have any benefit for froggies. Try just keeping an eye on him and any unusual new behavior should be talked about with a vet. Good Luck